
Consultation hub

Take part in consultations, surveys and conversations that interest you, and find out more about decisions we've made.

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Current opportunities to get involved

Planning: Call For Sites - Responses

This is an example activity for demonstration purposes only. This site is operated by Delib Ltd and submitted responses will be discarded. We are currently undertaking work and gathering evidence in preparation for our area's 2022 Local Development Plan. As part of this the Council are running a Call For Sites exercise, asking people to identify land or sites that will available to be developed for housing or commercial purposes. If you want to promote a site for...

Transport: Electric Scooter Trial

This is an example activity for demonstration purposes only. This site is operated by Delib Ltd and submitted responses will be discarded. On the 16th December 2021, we launched a trial on the use of rental electric scooters (e-scooters) across Arlen Hill. Rental e-scooters could provide an alternative mode of travel that is emission free while being used for commuting, accessing local services and leisure trips. So far, we have deployed 600 e-scooters across Arlen Hill, with proposals...

Closed consultations and engagement

Here's what we've asked you about previously

Safer Streets for Women and Girls

This is an example activity for demonstration purposes only. This site is operated by Delib Ltd and submitted responses will be discarded. Violence Against Women and Girls is defined as crime that disproportionately affects women and girls including, but not limited to, domestic abuse, sexual violence, exploitation and harassment, stalking, verbal abuse and violence and forced prostitution. These crimes should not be happening and we want to work with you to understand which areas of...

Transport: EV Charging Points (with Geo Select)

This is an example activity for demonstration purposes only. This site is operated by Delib Ltd and submitted responses will be discarded. Conventional petrol and diesel vehicles are recognised as a major source of pollution and contributor to the climate emergency. Electric vehicles provide a low-emission solution to driving in the UK. In order to make electric vehicles a viable and attractive possibility for London residents we need to create a charging infrastructure to support...

Planning: Brownfield Regeneration Project

This is an example activity for demonstration purposes only. This site is operated by Delib Ltd and submitted responses will be discarded. We are inviting you to have your say on the regeneration of Brent Cross Cricklewood Regeneration Area. We propose to transform this brownfield site into a residential area with activities for everyone to enjoy, along with ensuring everyone has access to green space within 15 minutes walking distance. We want to hear about facilities that you...

More ways to get involved

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